“In Your Dreams” by John Swan

51y0iGARvJL._AA258_PIkin4,BottomRight,-43,22_AA280_SH20_OU32_When I first agreed to review “In Your Dreams,” a book reported by it’s author, John Swan, to be an epic fantasy, I was a fantasy virgin. I had not read that type of book before in my life, but now having finished it, I’m happy to say that John did not lie – it was indeed an epic fantasy and I am now a fantasy fan.

“In Your Dreams” is packed with rich description, intrigue and action, all held together by a well-conceived and well thought-out plot, which moves along smoothly. The book is further helped by snappy, well-written dialogue and excellent characters, most important of which, as with any book, are the protagonist and antagonist.

Mim, a young orphan girl with mysterious and mystical dreams, is our protagonist, and we first see her in chapter two when Eolan, a government diplomat on a long journey, dreams of her. In chapter three we are officially introduced to her and the fact that she too has dreams. She lives in a place called The Quilt and works in an eatery named The Last Stand, where she meets many people, among whom are Morra Losis and her minions.

Morra Losis, (our antagonist) is a cannibal and a servant of Izman, who appears to be, in my opinion, John’s take on Satan, as the Esme, an ancient race of magical beings that came before, appears to be his take on God like creatures. Morra Losis is intrigued by Mim and targets her, sending Mim on the run for her life and to a new life.

“In Your Dreams” is a roller coaster thrill ride from virtually the beginning to the end. And what an ending! John brilliantly decided to end it with a cliffhanger, so, I am happy to say, there will be more – in fact, six in all. I am happy to read and review the next, which is actually a novella called, “Trial Of The Heart.”

John’s book, in my opinion, earned and deserves five stars on all points and it definitely goes on my list of recommended books. And in closing I want to thank John Swan for giving us this book and for taking away my virginity – my fantasy virginity, that is.

Review by Paul Pappas

Question of the week:

Morra Losis is an evil character indeed, as I’m sure those of you who have read John’s book will agree, but throughout all of fiction: books, TV or movies, who is your favorite villain (antagonist) and why?

2 thoughts on ““In Your Dreams” by John Swan

    1. Thank you John. I am happy you liked my review and as I said in the review, I look forward to reading and reviewing “Trial Of The Heart.” And I hope my review helps your book reach the success it deserves.


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